「台灣人權景美園區」開園系列活動之一─ 台灣不會忘記 ─ 奮鬥與救援‧見証與致敬
時間:2007年12月8 ~ 10日
「台灣人權景美園區」,即原警備總部軍法處和看守所的所在地。是1968 - 1987年間,所有政治案件的拘押、審判、轉運或刑之執行的中心。70年代起,國際人權運動興起,台灣威權統治者監禁大量政治犯的訊息,也由景美軍法處看守所對傳出,引起國際人權團體關切,展開長期不懈的台灣政治犯救援,世人也從而認知台灣威權統治的真相。這段跨國奮鬥史是推動台灣民主轉型的關鍵,本園區從定罪與監禁的空間,改制為對人權奮鬥史的紀念場域,具有鮮明的象徵意義。
18:00~19:00 歡迎晚宴
10:00~15:30 園區參訪與歷史再現:
午餐與交流:Meet the Younger Generations─園區展演廳
10:00~12:00 開園儀式─陳總統致詞,裦揚政治受難者,感謝國際救援者…
西倉一喜 Nishikura, Kazuyoshi
渡田正弘 Watarida, Masahiro日本「台灣政治犯救援會」成員,美麗島事件後來台灣觀察。因攜帶報紙和雜誌出境,在機場通關檢查時被搜出。隨即被逮捕,由警備總部和調查局分別偵訊、刑求,羈押84天後才釋放。目前義務擔任「Globalization Watch Hiroshima」總幹事。
手塚登士雄 Tezuka, Toshio日本「台灣政治犯救援會」成員
木上隆幸 Kinoue, Takanobu日本「台灣政治犯救援會」成員
小林正成 Kobayashi, Masanari台灣獨立聯盟日本本部秘密盟員。1971年因在台灣散發鼓吹獨立運動的傳單被捕入獄,關在謝聰敏隔壁牢房。獲釋時協助謝聰敏夾帶信件外出。
大川四郎Okawa, Shiro曾編著發行『美麗島の傷痕─日本学生による植民地台湾の傷痕をる旅の報告書』。
德國:共四人 Klaus Walter現任國際特赦組織德國總會會員支援部主任。1976年創立台灣協調小組,1989年來台協助創立 AI Taiwan。
Dr. Renate Müller-Wollermann現任德國杜賓根大學教授,曾任AI Germany 台灣協調小組第二任負責人。
杜淑真女士 Janet Rind1980年代起即參與AI人權工作,現任僑委會僑務顧問。
美國:共兩人 陳美津女士 & Gerrit van der Wees 1980年代陳美津女士與夫婿荷蘭人韋傑理(Gerrit van der Wees)共同創辦英文《台灣公報Taiwan Communiqué》,協助國際社會認識台灣,並支持台灣成為重要國際組織的一員。兩人於美麗島事件後,聯繫國際特赦組織關懷美麗島事件被捕人士。
五、台灣人權景美園區交通指南 台灣人權景美園區(台北縣新店市復興路131號,新店秀朗橋頭旁)
★ 交通資訊★
中正路─ 290、672、673、905、906、909、內科通勤專車10(錦繡站-內科)、綠2(右)、綠2(左)
Chingmei Human Rights Memorial Park 台灣人權景美園區
Opening Ceremony and Related Activities, December 8 – 10th., 2007
Largely because the old ruling party continued to rule till 2000, and had control over the extent, pace and direction of Taiwan’s first phase of democratization, transitional justice in this country is still an unfinished business. Truth is only slowly emerging, with the consequence that reconciliation has little to base itself on.
Nevertheless, various efforts have been made. Two foundations have been set up to offer (mainly financial) compensations to the victims or their families of the Feb. 28 (1947) massacre, and of the long White Terror period which followed. Some files have finally seen the light of day. There is now the Green Island Human Rights Memorial Park 綠島人權紀念園區, whose expanse covers the sites of a ‘world-class’ concentration camp (ironically called the New Life Discipline Camp 新生訓導處), and of a political prison (even more ironically named the Oasis Villa 綠洲山莊).
The Ching-mei Human Rights Memorial park台灣人權景美園區, which opens officially on December 10th., is another in this series of efforts promoting transitional justice. This site is a vast compound which used to house the military courts of the Taiwan Garrison Command 台灣警備總司令部, where eight leaders of the Kaohsiung Incident 美麗島事件 (and numerous other civilian victims) stood trial under martial law, and a detention center where the cells can now be visited.
Opening Ceremony and Related Activities
The opening ceremony and related activities will be conducted in the spirit of witness and thanksgiving: Surviving victims of state terrorism and other citizens will gather to bear testimony to their sufferings under martial law tyranny, and to thank invited international friends who lent their helping hand in those dark days of Taiwan’s history. And all of us together, we shall also honor the memory of those freedom fighters and wronged victims who have vanished.
The activities will start with a welcome reception on the evening of December 8th, followed the next day, by a visit to the Park, where there will be re-enactments of past events, culminating in the opening ceremony on December 10th, the Human Rights Day.
Events and Activities
8th. of December 2007 (Sat.)
Welcome Reception
9th. of December 2007 (Sun.)
10:00 ~15:30
Visit to the Park and re-enactments
The Main Courtroom 第一法庭: The courtroom has been kept intact. This is the place where the leaders of Kaohsiung Incident stood trial. Some of the accused, defending attorneys, and ‘international observers’ will be there to re-live the past…
Other courtrooms軍事法庭: Numerous political prisoners were tried there - closed to the public and without defending attorneys.
Visiting Room 會面室
Clinic 醫務室: Where a doctor, himself an inmate, complied a list of political prisoners out of medical records. Through a elaborate and painful process, the list was then smuggled abroad. It was the first time, the world learnt of the White Terror in Taiwan. There will be an re-enactment by the (real) doctor himself and his crew….
Cells 押房: Along corridors full of memories, surviving political prisoners will re-visit their cells. Included is a cell where prisoners spent their last night before execution.
Lunch and Conference: One especially designed for the younger generations.
Visit the exhibition halls
10th. of December 2007 ( Mon.)
10:00 ~12:00 Opening Ceremony of the Park:The President will speak and honor surviving political prisoners, their families and international friends.
List of International Friends
From Japan:
Nishikura, Kazuyoshi 西倉一喜
Formerly head of the Beijing and Washington offices of Kyodo News. Now a professor of Ryukoku University - Faculty of Law。
Watarida, Masahiro 渡田正弘
Member of ‘Solidarity Committee for Taiwan’s Political Prisoners’. Visited Taiwan soon after the Kaohsiung Incident to collect information on human rights violations. When departing from Taiwan on December 21st. 1979, he was found carrying newspapers and magazines covering the Incident. Was arrested, tortured, and detained for 84 days. Watarida is now the Secretary General of ‘Globalization Watch Hiroshima’.
Tezuka, Toshio 手塚登士雄
Member of ‘Solidarity Committee for Taiwan’s Political Prisoners’.
Kinoue, Takanobu 木上隆幸
Member of ‘Solidarity Committee for Taiwan’s Political Prisoners’.
Kobayashi, Masanari 小林正成Member of ‘World United Formosans for Independence’. In May 1971, he succeeded in distributing leaflet advocating the independence of Taiwan by flying balloons. Later arrested and deported.
Okawa, Shiro 大川四郎The Editor – publisher of《美麗島の傷痕─日本学生による植民地台湾の傷痕をる旅の報告書》, A book about the scars left by Japanese colonization of Taiwan.
Ito, Midori 伊藤みどり (梁碧玉)Taiwan-born Japanese. Human rights activist and founder of ‘Life Line Kansai’
From Germany:
Klaus Walter
Director of Membership Support Department, AI Germany. Founding member and speaker of Taiwan Coordination group 2238 of AI, 1976 – 1984. Helped to establish the first AI groups in Taiwan in 1989.
Dr. Renate Müller-Wollermann
Researcher and Lecturer in the Egyptological Institute, University of Tübingen. Group secretary of the Taiwan/Japan/Mongolia/KOJARAN cogroup; and regional coordinator for Asia, AI Germany.
Rev. Chao, Roger Yu Yuan趙有源牧師
Head of international affairs section of a Presbyterian Church in Germany in the 1980s, and one of the leaders of ‘Christians for Taiwan’s Self-determination’. Worked with AI on extending assistance to victims of the Kaohsiung Incident.
Janet Rind 杜淑真
A lifelong AI activist. Shouldered much behind-the-scene labor in rescue missions for Taiwan’s political prisoners.
From the U.S.:
Chen, Mei-chin 陳美津and Gerrit van der Wees 韋傑理
A husband-and-wife team, co-founders and co-publishers of Taiwan Communiqué in Holland and the U.S. Also AI activists.