老娘昨天對於我在 MSN 上放的  for Myanmar 產生疑問,是因為娘說緬文的緬甸就是 Myanmar ,不過是軍政下更名的關係,民主團體堅持不承認軍政的國名,仍用 Burma 抗議著軍政暴虐,即使是社會地位極高的僧侶帶著一起不畏槍口、或流血逝去。所以,似乎娘的疑問認為緬文是緬文,民主意識是民主意識?

那麼,我出生的那個島呢?突然覺得模糊了起來,當人生第一次在 Heathrow 過關需要去 Health Report 被人登記來自國家是 China,當場沒有說話,因為護照就是 Republich of China,沒立場去跟人家解釋什麼,就像他們還是叫人家 Burma,並不知道 Myanmar 和 Burma 背後各自的意義。不過雪上加霜的是,這次簽證的 place of issue 竟是 Manilla,被狐疑的海關問說:You live in Manilla? 時,我其實都很無奈、很無言,也滿腦迄今纏繞不解意識結--為什麼,我們要面對這些?

收了 BBC 兩篇有意思文章,一個說到 Burma 和 Myanmar 之間差異、意義,還有一篇一直在泰緬 NGO 幫助緬人的褚士瑩遠距紀錄的側寫。 for Burma or Myanmar,且突然想問:What does the World Stand on 'Us'? Yes, us, Taiwan.

WHO, WHAT, WHY?  The Magazine answers...

Protesters in Philippines
'Burma' to the pro-democracy camp
Protest marches in Burma have entered a ninth day. But why is the country not known in the UK by its official name, Myanmar?

The eyes of the world's media are focused on Rangoon, where tensions are rising in the streets, yet news organisations and nations differ in what they call the country.

The ruling military junta changed its name from Burma to Myanmar in 1989, a year after thousands were killed in the suppression of a popular uprising. Rangoon also became Yangon.

It's known as Myanmar in many countries and at the UN
But the UK doesn't recognise the legitimacy of the regime that changed the name
The Adaptation of Expression Law also introduced English language names for other towns, some of which were not ethnically Burmese.

The change was recognised by the United Nations, and by countries such as France and Japan, but not by the United States and the UK.

A statement by the Foreign Office says: "Burma's democracy movement prefers the form 'Burma' because they do not accept the legitimacy of the unelected military regime to change the official name of the country. Internationally, both names are recognised."

It's general practice at the BBC to refer to the country as Burma, and the BBC News website says this is because most of its audience is familiar with that name rather than Myanmar. The same goes for Rangoon, people in general are more familiar with this name than Yangon.

But look in a Lonely Planet guidebook to Asia and the country can be found listed after Mongolia, not Brunei. The Rough Guide does not cover Burma at all, because the pro-democracy movement has called for a tourism boycott.

There are various ways
'My' may be 'mee' as in 'street' or 'my' as in 'cry'
And stress can be on the first, second or third syllable

So does the choice of Burma or Myanmar indicate a particular political position?

Mark Farmener, of Burma Campaign UK, says: "Often you can tell where someone's sympathies lie if they use Burma or Myanmar. Myanmar is a kind of indicator of countries that are soft on the regime.

"But really it's not important. Who cares what people call the country? It's the human rights abuses that matter.

"There's not a really strong call from the democracy movement saying you should not call it Myanmar, they just challenge the legitimacy of the regime. It's probable it will carry on being called Myanmar after the regime is gone."

Colloquial name

The two words mean the same thing and one is derived from the other. Burmah, as it was spelt in the 19th Century, is a local corruption of the word Myanmar.

They have both been used within Burma for a long time, says anthropologist Gustaaf Houtman, who has written extensively about Burmese politics.

Question Mark - from original architect's doodle design for BBC TV Centre
A regular part of the BBC News Magazine, Who, What, Why? aims to answer some of the questions behind the headlines
"There's a formal term which is Myanmar and the informal, everyday term which is Burma. Myanmar is the literary form, which is ceremonial and official and reeks of government. [The name change] is a form of censorship."

If Burmese people are writing for publication, they use 'Myanmar', but speaking they use 'Burma', he says.

This reflects the regime's attempt to impose the notion that literary language is master, Mr Houtman says, but there is definitely a political background to it.

Richard Coates, a linguist at the University of Western England, says adopting the traditional, formal name is an attempt by the junta to break from the colonial past.

The UN uses Myanmar, presumably deferring to the idea that its members can call themselves what they wish
Richard Coates, Linguist
"Local opposition groups do not accept that, and presumably prefer to use the 'old' colloquial name, at least until they have a government with popular legitimacy. Governments that agree with this stance still call the country Burma.

"The UN uses Myanmar, presumably deferring to the idea that its members can call themselves what they wish, provided the decision is recorded in UN proceedings. There are hosts of papers detailing such changes. I think the EU uses Burma/Myanmar."

Other countries to rename themselves like this include Iran (formerly Persia), Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) and Cambodia (Kampuchea).

"They've substituted a local name for an internationally acknowledged one for essentially nationalistic and historical reasons."








這一天,我的工作夥伴不顧宣傳卡車呼籲立刻解散否則面對『不堪設想的後果』,堅持在遊行的人群中,快到中午的時候,軍隊用鐵絲拒馬把他們這批人群團團包圍在市中心大金塔(Shwedagon pagoda)的東門,好幾十個正在誦經祈禱和平的和尚跟民眾,突然被毆打然後逮捕,我的工作夥伴也差一點就被抓,他面前的三個比丘尼也被打得頭破血流,但是我們的一個畫家朋友卻沒有那麼幸運,就這樣消失到目前都還沒有任何消息。

我看著那位頗出名的畫家贈我的一幅油畫,內容是普巴山(Mount Popa),他知道那是我最喜歡的地方之一,那座原始的山林,據說住著許多的精靈,終日都繚繞在雲霧之中,我最喜歡在對面的山頭遠眺,看數日也不會厭膩,怎麼看都覺得看得不夠,他乾脆畫了這幅油畫送給我,如今他消失了,這些山間的精靈會幫助人間事嗎?


當我們覺得緬甸與在台灣的日常生活無關的時候,請再想想,平常吃的海鮮,極可能包含每天二十個從緬甸抵達基隆港的貨櫃的漁產;當我們覺得緬甸距離很遙遠的時候,請記得台灣估計居住著二十萬以上緬甸僑民,很多有著痛苦的過去,以及不得不隱瞞身分的理由,單單這二十幾萬緬僑在台灣落地生根的親人,加起來起碼有上百萬人──包括這篇PC HOME電子報專欄的編輯在內。世界,其實離我們並不遠。

加油吧! 我的登革熱朋友,我失蹤的畫家朋友,我的工作夥伴,我流亡在杜拜連父親去世都不能回去奔喪的朋友,還有許許多多曾經慷慨幫助過我的每一個緬甸朋友,我們都期待有一天,雨季會過去,太陽會出來,讓我們勇敢一點,智慧一點,多關心別人一點,世界終會變得更公平,創傷終會撫平。但是今天,請先和我一起穿上紅衣服,並且告訴別人這個故事。


蝦米? 對不起,緬甸怎麼了? 我今天正好從十天的昏迷中醒來,趕快惡補一下:

As governments around the world consider how to respond to the protests in Burma, the BBC News website looks at the aims and influence of key Western and Asian players.


Relationship: The Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) has in the past appeared reluctant to condemn a fellow member but member-states appear increasingly uneasy. Asean foreign ministers meeting in New York urged the Burmese authorities to halt violence against the demonstrators.

Interests: Concern to preserve the unity of the regional bloc needs to be balanced against the desire for regional stability, and pressure from Western countries that wish to secure Asean support for action against the military regime in Rangoon.

Comment: "We hope that the Myanmar [Burmese] authorities and all other parties in Myanmar will appreciate the broader implications of their actions on the region as a whole and act accordingly." Singapore foreign ministry, current Asean chair


Relationship: A close trading and diplomatic relationship it is seen as the country with the strongest potential to influence events in Burma. It has blocked UN sanctions against Burma but recently called for "restraint" by "all" parties.

Interests: Burma's oil and gas reserves are important for a rapidly developing and energy-hungry China but, as a regional power, Beijing also has an interest in ensuring that events in Burma do not lead to regional instability.

Comment: "China hopes that all parties in Myanmar exercise restraint and properly handle the current issue so as to ensure the situation there does not escalate and get complicated, and does not influence the stability of Myanmar and the peace and stability of the region." Chinese foreign ministry


Relationship: While conscious of its lack of leverage over Burma, it is urging India, China and Asean to take a tougher line. Some sanctions are already in place. In 1996 the EU banned arms sales and expelled military attaches, and it froze the assets of individuals within the junta. It withdrew preferential trade status from Burma and subsequently cut off all non-humanitarian aid to the country. European Parliamentary deputies have called on the EU to work with the US and Asean to prepare measures against the Burmese government, including targeted sanctions.

Interests: Relatively few economic interests in Burma but France remains a major investor, with a joint gas project between the US firm Chevron and French Total.

Comment: "China is the puppet-master of Burma. The Olympics is the only real lever we have to make China act. The civilised world must seriously consider shunning China by using the Beijing Olympics to send the clear message that such abuses of human rights are not acceptable." Edward McMillan-Scott, vice-president of the European Parliament


Relationship: It has close economic and diplomatic ties with Burma. It has expressed concern over the current crisis but generally maintains a careful silence over the situation, describing it as an internal affair of Burma. Former Defence Minister George Fernandez has described India's current position as "disgusting".

Interests: India is concerned above all with protecting its oil interests in Burma, signing a new deep-water exploration deal in the same week that protests got under way. India also sells arms to the military regime in Rangoon. But as the world's most populous democracy, India is under pressure from the West and from activists at home to take a stronger stand in support of democratic forces in Burma.

Comment: "As a close and friendly neighbour, India hopes to see a peaceful, stable and prosperous Myanmar, where all sections of the people will be included in a broad-based process of national reconciliation and political reform." Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee


Relationship: While Russia is much less important than China as an ally and trading partner to Burma, Moscow has stood beside Beijing in opposing any attempts to bring foreign pressure to bear on the Burmese government.

Interests: Earlier this year Burma and Russia signed a deal that could lead to the construction of a Russian nuclear research reactor in Burma. Last year, Moscow offered fighter jets and air defence systems to Rangoon in exchange for access to Burmese oil. Russian commentators have suggested that a change of government in Rangoon would bring in an administration more susceptible to Western influence than the incumbents.

Comment: "We consider any attempts to use the latest developments to exercise outside pressure or interference in the domestic affairs of this sovereign state to be counterproductive. We still believe that the processes under way in Burma do not threaten international and regional peace and security." Russian foreign ministry


Relationship: The UK's status as the former colonial power does not give it any particular influence as economic links have declined and London - in common with other Western governments - has been vocal in its condemnation of the military government.

Interests: The UK once had major interests in petroleum in Burma but no longer has any large-scale investment in the country. British companies continue to do business in Burma, with hardwoods being an important import. Campaigners have complained that UK government policy on trade with Burma is vague and not enforced.

Comment: "I want to see all the pressures of the world put on this regime now - sanctions, the pressure of the UN, pressure from China and all the countries in the region, India, pressure from the whole of the world." UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown


Relationship: Washington has called for political change in Burma and expressed support for the recent protests. In 1997 the US banned new investment in Burma, and in 2003 it banned most Burmese imports and dollar transactions. It has announced it will impose further sanctions against 14 senior officials in Burma's government, including the country's acting prime minister and defence minister. But in common with the other Western countries, the US realises its influence is weak when compared to that of China, India and Asean.

Interests: As a result of sanctions few economic interests remain, a major exception being the US share in the Chevron-Total gas project.

Comment: "The world is watching the people of Burma take to the streets to demand their freedom and the American people stand in solidarity with these brave individuals." US President George W Bush


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