看到茉莉咋的那話,屁股癢(此三字設有兒童不宜自動隱形裝置)的白目汀趕緊把那段話貼到 msn 問搞笑狗。


作曲家 Mahler 對 Alma,這個讓他又愛又恨的絕代佳人結婚時,如此說。

汀 msn 一貼完,搞笑狗馬上「不負盛名地」迅速回答。









On 19 December 1901, Mahler wrote a 20-page letter to Alma, in which he set out to his wife his plan for a future life and requested that she abandon her composition work: "How do you imagine both wife and husband as composers? Do you have any idea how ridiculous and subsequently how much such an idiosyncratic rivalry must end up dragging us both down? How will it be if you happen to be just "in the mood" but have to look after the house for me, or get me something I happen to need, if you are to look after the trivialities of life for me? - Does this mean for you breaking off your own life, and do you think you will have to do without a high point of being which you cannot live without, if you entirely give up your music in order to possess - and also to be - my own?"

Alma was confused and wrote in her diary, "He thinks nothing at all of my art - and thinks a great deal of his own - and I think nothing of his art and a great deal of my own. That's how it is! Now he constantly talks of preserving his art. I can't do that. It would have worked with Zemlinsky, because I empathize with his art - he is a brilliant chap."

汀的愛狗,超感恩你「讓我 (support)」有機會、有空間去擁有自己、做我自己、拓展自己。


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