打了英國郵政罷工字眼,台灣媒體似乎沒怎麼用這些字眼報導(或根本沒怎麼報導)這次 Royal Mail 的 Postal Strike。簡體字新聞鏈結似乎都著眼在罷工造成多少億信沒處理,又損失多少億多少億,不曉得是翻譯哪家的新聞?晚點找找。


2007/10/05 14:29 時報資訊



皇家郵政提醒,個人和企業應避免在罷工期間郵寄信件,以免信件被滯留,罷工期間及此後相當長一段時間內,所有的郵政服務都將嚴重擾亂,不過郵局依然開放,寄信者可直接將信件送往郵局。 第二次罷工將於周一發動,10月15日以後還有更多的罷工計劃。


英國郵政工潮有望解決| 苦勞網
2007英國郵政工會罷工. 張貼者:. KarlMarx. [13/10 星期六08:23]. 英國郵政工潮有望解決,管理層和工會經過多個小時的談判後,發表聯合聲明,指工會代表會在星期一,審視一份雙方同意的協議,詳情會在同日公布。倫敦高等法院較早前頒布禁制令,禁止員工 ...(孤狗只截到這...怨念)



BBC NEWS | Business | Union hails postal strike support


BBC NEWS | Business | Post union unveils strike details


Postal strike 'could last for months' - Telegraph


Postal strike poses payment problem | Special_reports | Guardian


Industrial Action

Tuesday 16th October - Late Update

We are pleased to announce that the planned strike action for the remainder of this week is not going ahead and that a draft agreement between Royal Mail and the Communications Worker’s Union (CWU) has been reached concerning the current dispute.

The CWU Executive is considering whether to ballot members on this agreement, and we will communicate the decision as soon as possible.

While we sincerely apologise for suspending a number of service guarantees and promises, we are delighted to be able to reinstate all guarantees for our Special Delivery services for all items posted from tomorrow, Wednesday 17th October. Sadly this does not include items posted from or into the Liverpool area because of unofficial industrial action.

We apologise for the disruption and inconvenience the strikes have caused, and are working hard to get back to normal as quickly as possible. There is a significant build-up of mail that will take some time to clear, which we will deal with in the order in which we received it. We will reinstate guarantees and service promises for other products as soon as we feel able to honour them, and will continue to keep you informed as and when the situation develops.

Please refer to our website,, for the latest information.

Please call our customer service Helplines - 08457 950 950 for Business customers and 08457 740 740 for residential customers- for the latest details.

We will update this webpage with the latest information as and when it becomes available and you can also sign up to receive email updates.

最近切身感受呢!可是,真的是很愜意面對這些天罷工,想著什麼時候低階員工可以不受壓榨,等 debit card 的心就一點也不急躁呢!哈!


又有許多 Work、Employment、Labour、Power.....列不完的關鍵字的東西要看的感覺,非常呃...餓。難怪有中國 postgrad 用四字形容海放研讀的生活是「天天在餓(或常常在餓...忘了)」。



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