
Photoactive: 看到星巴克裡的黑白相片就心悸

Photoessay: 看照片當 context 開始亂演譯亂解讀
Photofinishing: 看到攝影展裡的照片就想結束真實人生
Photoflash: 看到照片太入骨就閃人
Photorealistic: 看照片還比看真實世界還實際
Phototherapy: 看以前到現在的照片當作一種治療法
Photoflood: 看自己拍的成千的相片然後被淹沒在情緒裡
Photogenic: 看照片裡努力裝美的醜惡的自己
Photograph: 看照片還是被照片看
Photographer: 看照照片的人還是被照照片的人'看'
Photographically: 看照片栩栩如生似地看真人
Photomontage: 看照片然後用蒙太奇手法編造過去現在未來
Photoengrave: 看照片越看越像走入墳墓的境界
Photojournalism: 看人家的照片編造的新聞
Photophobia: 看照片看到有了恐懼症
Photoreception: 看許許多多照片的領悟(誤解)能力
Photography: 看照片前的學問是照照片洗照片選照片傳照片還是...
Photosensitive: 看到相片就敏感到一個不行


我要去念攝影和城市文化在溝屎蜜思(跟蜜斯佛陀有合作?), 或是要去念傳播設計與攝影在中間剩馬丁(那左右剩什麼?)!

我要我要! (任性幼稚是我的純質!)

攝影又讀城市又尋城市又可以念社會學, 人類學, 英文, 文化研究跟媒體傳播 (我迷定妳了, MA in Photography and Urban Culture)

中間剩馬丁那個 typography 我從大四就念茲在茲地著迷, 更何況那些掛上'設計'的課程!?
超愛'設計'的, 設計誆人陷阱, 設計聳動話題, 設計上下潮流, 設計社會階層, 哇哈哈, 敢設計得永生(永生乃有錢有勢有男有名有望有這有那有有有...瘋子!)

Goldsmith College, University of London

MA in Photography and Urban Culture

The MA in Photography and Urban Cultures has been developed by the Centre for Urban and Community
Research in response to the increasing interest in urban theory and the visual representation of
urban cultures and places.

It is designed to encourage a creative interplay between practice and theory:
you will have the chance to consider cutting-edge debates in cultural and social theory in a
research setting that actively encourages the development of photographic practice.

The programme is aimed at intermediate and advanced practitioners interested in
exploring the links between cultural research, urban studies and photographic practice.

It offers working photographers, visual artists and media practitioners space to reflect
critically on their practice. It also offers those with a background in sociology, urban and cultural geography, cultural studies or anthropology the opportunity to combine visual forms of representation with standard forms of research techniques in investigating urban life and the physical environments of the city.

Core courses

Through the Lens: Photography and Urban Cultures
This introduces you to contemporary examples of photographic practice and city life. It offers a range of critical perspectives on photographic practice from within sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and visual arts theory. It also includes discussions of the work of contemporary media practitioners and photographic artists (including some visiting practitioners) and examines issues in relation to visual ethnography, the place of photography in news media and fine art practice. You are set practice-based visual assignments exploring aspects of urban or spatial culture, culminating in group critique sessions.

Reading the City
This introduces a selection of the key and historical texts of social theory which study cities, spatiality and urban form. Through a close reading of these texts, you engage in some of the principal problems and problematics in the sociological study of urban institutions and processes.

Researching the City
This provides an historical overview and an inventory of some divergent attempts at mapping and documenting urban life in London. It also explores a wide range of methods and methodologies employed to analyse and interpret social life in the city, even where these come from disciplinary traditions outside sociology. Sociological approaches are supplemented by insights drawn from political economy, social history, anthropology, and social geography. The contrast between these approaches exposes you to a variety of social scientific techniques which you then draw on in the research and production of your own project.

Options courses

You choose two options from a range of courses available in Sociology, Anthropology, English, Cultural Studies, and Media and Communications.

Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design

MA Communication Design in Photography

The pathway aims to make use of both wet processes and digital photography.
Students will be encourage to develop an individual proposal and
create a body of work around this theme.

Course Structure

Information Design
Interface Design
Developing Narrative or Storytelling
Typography as a Visual Language
Editorial Design
Image Development

(突然想到廖彼得說: 妳真的那麼喜歡照相喔? 不是因為要溫習什麼吧?)

    創作者 Christine 的頭像

    Monologue-ing Chris

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