
說真的,去年某段時間在台灣流行的什麼「上尉詩人(James Blunt,這人很嗆,是不理石頭大學傑出校友就算了,論文寫的就是「一個流行偶像的製造(誤,誕生)-談形象變現金(誤,商品化)」)」還是什麼「城市琴人(Daniel Powter)」?很淺汀一剛開始真的分不出來,印象中是因為他們各自火紅起來那兩首歌 You're Beautiful 和 Had A Bad Day 在媒體上一直洗腦關係,就在某天休假或假日跑去唱片行,因為「上尉詩人」和「城市琴人」傻傻分不清楚的缺憾,只記得「James 啥」的,所以,竟然買到了第一名(First Name)同是 James 的 -(鎗鎗,自己敲)真愛~真愛~真愛(自己 echo):James Morrison。


You Give Me Something - UK Version(愛這版,因為很愛歌曲高潮段時,配上女學生練類似紅磨坊羽毛舞)

(台灣譯作《妳的魔力》,竟然令人想起范曉萱,好囧;不過,chrischen5 的翻譯看來 ok,就借貼了。)

You want to stay with me in the morning 早晨妳仍希望與我依偎
You only hold me when I sleep 但唯有我沈睡時妳才抱緊我
I was meant to tread the water 我原應僅該淺嘗即止
Now I've got damped in too deep 但如今已陷得太深
For every piece of me that wants you 我身體的每個部分都慾望著妳
Another piece backs away 但另個部分卻躊躇不前

'Cause you give me something 因為妳給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright 令我戒慎恐懼
This could be nothing 我擔心到頭來將一無所獲
But I'm willing to give it a try 但我仍願意嘗試看看
Please give me something 請給我妳的愛
'Cause someday I might know my heart 也許某日我將瞭解自己的心意

You already waited up for hours 妳已經靜候許久
Just to spend a little time alone with me 只是為了與我獨處一小段時間
And I can say I've never bought you flowers 我的確從未送妳花朵
I can't work out what they mean 因為我永遠搞不懂花語的意義
I never thought that I'd love someone 我從未想過我會愛上誰
That was someone else's dream 我一直以為那是別人才有的好運

'Cause you give me something 因為妳給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright 令我戒慎恐懼
This could be nothing 我擔憂到頭來將是一場空
But I'm willing to give it a try 但我仍願意嘗試看看
Please give me something 請給我妳的愛
'Cause someday I might call you from my heart 也許某日我將打從心底呼喚妳
But it might be a second too late 也許有些遲了
And the words I could never say 但我要說的話
Gonna come out anyway 我還是要大膽說出口

'Cause you give me something 因為妳給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright 令我戒慎恐懼
This could be nothing 我擔憂到頭來將一無所獲
But I'm willing to give it a try 但我仍願意嘗試看看
Please give me something 請給我妳的愛
'Cause you give me something 因為妳給我的愛意
That makes me scared, alright 令我憂愁恐懼
This could be nothing 我憂心一切將是一場空
But I'm willing to give it a try 但我仍願嘗試看看
Please give me something 請給我妳的愛
'Cause someday I might know my heart 也許有日我終將明瞭自己的心意
Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart 瞭解自己的心意

本文主打 2008 新歌:You Make It Real for Me


There's so much craziness surrounding me 身邊太多人都在裝笑維
There's so much going on it gets hard to breath 有太多事情纏著我讓我無法呼吸
When all my faith has gone you, bring it back to me 當我所有的信仰都變成是妳,把它帶回來吧
You make it real for me 妳讓我的一切變得好真實

Well I'm not sure of my priorities 嗯,還真不太確定自己的先後順序
I've lost sight of where I'm meant to be 我已經看不到我本來應該走的路 
And like holy water washing over me 妳像聖水清洗我全身,賜我祝禱
You make it real for me 妳讓我的一切變得好真實

And I am running to you baby 我正向著妳奔跑呢,寶貝
You are the only one who saves me 妳是我唯一的救贖
That's why I've been missing you lately 也就是為什麼我最近一直在想妳
'Cause you make it real for me 因為妳讓我的一切變得好真實

When my head is strong, but my heart is weak 我是很固執,不過我心很軟
I'm full of arrogance and uncertainty 我整個人就是傲慢和不定數
When I can't find the words, you teach my heart to speak 我說不出心裡話,妳教我怎麼開口
You make it real for me 妳讓我的一切變得好真實

And I am running to you baby 我正向著妳奔跑呢,寶貝
You are the only one who saves me 妳是我唯一的救贖
That's why I've been missing you lately 也就是為什麼我最近一直在想妳
'Cause you make it real for me 因為妳讓我的一切變得好真實

Everybody's talking in words I don't understand 每個人都在講我也不懂的胡言亂語
You got to be the only one, who knows just who I am 妳一定就是唯一最了解我是怎樣的人
And you're shining in the distance 妳在遠方發出閃閃聖光
I hope I can make it through 我希望我能穿過這道光芒
Cause the only place that I want to be is right back home with you 因為我唯一想去的地方,就是回家和妳在一起

I guess there's so much more I have to learn 我猜世上還有好多事我該學的
But if you're here with me, I know which way to turn 可是如果妳現在在我身邊,我就知道怎麼改變
You always give me somewhere, somewhere I can learn 妳總是給我一些部分,那些我能效仿的
You make it real for me 妳讓我的一切變得好真實

And I am running to you baby 我正向著妳奔跑呢,寶貝
You are the only one who saves me 妳是我唯一的救贖
That's why I've been missing you lately 也就是為什麼我最近一直在想妳
'Cause you make it real for me 因為妳讓我的一切變得好真實


KKBOX 介紹他的文字(對!很淺汀就這麼容易受騙!發現這背景故事,更愛他!


James Morrison來自於父母離異的破碎家庭,負債累累的母親辛勤工作撫養子女,因
團擔任主唱,因此家中收集了Pink Floyd、Van Morrison、Stevie Wonder…等歌手的


求學時期曾加入樂團,有過pub駐唱經驗的James Morrison,在被洗車廠解僱後打算重
演的吉他手將他介紹給擔任藝人經紀的好友Spencer Wells。

試音時James Morrison才開口唱了兩個小節,就讓Spencer Wells驚豔不已,迅速將他
引薦給英國唱片大廠Polydor。James Morrison堅持不唱無法感動自己的歌曲,簽約後


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    Monologue-ing Chris

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