
發現了英國創新、大學與技能部(DIUS, Department of Innovation, Universities & Skills)上,進修教育部份的這個「『莉琪』報告(Leitch Report)」,腦子就亂轉了三十秒。原來,經濟成長與人民是不是擁有世界級的技能,頗有關~頗有關(傻笑 + 囧)。畫面:經濟部長對教育部長ㄘㄟ了一眼。是只有在下覺得這樣的邏輯思維非常有意思嗎?歪頭想ing~哈哈哈!

葉教師公務出國報告。才發現,一:這是好女性化名稱的一份報告啊~(哈哈註:但提出報告的可是個年長男人 Lord Leitch 啊~不知這位葉教師的「用心良苦」是為了...?) 二:喔?這位教師,當時也來到布城文法學校(Bristol Grammar School)等地做了公務參訪啊~


以及知識經濟(knowledge-based economy and societies))發展的策略。首先,課程兩千(Curriculum 2000)的改革揭示工黨政府維持英國經濟競爭力與社會融合的一項教育策略與企圖:在課程兩千改革架構下,新制 A level 的妥協性設計在保有菁英教育與回應社會要求擴大高等教育參與之間始終存在著緊張與矛盾。其次,受政府委託並於 2006 年 12 月提出的莉琪報告(The Leitch Report, 2006)擘劃英國下一個十年(2010-2020)發展知識經濟與知識社會的策略與目標,中等教育與高等教育在其中各自扮演關鍵角色:高等教育入學制度的問題與中等教育的改革環環相扣,英國政府持續透過 Tomlinson Reports(2002-2004), Schwartz Reports(2003-2004)等試圖為英國建構全球化時代的知識經濟與知識社會發展策略。」

Leitch Review of Skills published

On 5 December 2006, the day before the 2006 Pre-Budget Report, Lord Sandy Leitch published his final report in to UK Skills: Prosperity for all in the global economy –world class skills.

Lord Leitch was commissioned by the Chancellor in 2004 with a remit to “identify the UK’s optimal skills mix in 2020 to maximise economic growth, productivity and social justice, and to consider the policy implications of achieving the level of change required.” The interim report of the Review was published alongside the 2005 PBR, and in the 2006 Budget the Chancellor also asked Lord Leitch to consider how to better integrate employment and skills services at a local level.

In his final report, Leitch recommends that the UK should aim to be a world leader on skills by 2020, in the upper quartile of OECD countries. Lord Leitch also makes a number of recommendations for how that vision should be delivered.

To find out more, follow
this link.

Download the
full report (opens a .pdf document)

Extract: The Government has set a target that by 2020 90% of all adults wll achieved a Level 2 qualification (the equivalent of 5 GCSE’s or above.) The Report suggests that this is the minimum qualification level needed to make a significant contribution to the economy. A further target has been set that by 2020 40% of adults will have achieved a Level 4 qualification.


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