It's better to be vile than to have people think you're vile, especially when they accuse you of being vile and you're really not, and then you don't even get to enjoy doing the thing that people say is vile but that you don't think is. For why should people who are corrupt themselves get to wink knowingly at my lustful inclinations? And why should people who are even weaker than I pry into my weaknesses, deciding that what I think is good is bad? No, I am what I am, and the people who accuse me are only revealing their own corruptions. Maybe I'm straight, and they're the ones who are crooked; you can't measure my actions by their foul thoughts, unless they're willing to believe that all men are bad and thrive in their badness. (Modern Text of Sonnet 121)
- Oct 22 Wed 2008 00:00
I am JUST what I AM but nothing else...REGARDLESS
- Oct 14 Tue 2008 00:00
想一想,還是想要保存這曾經非常自以為是無意識一窩蜂的台灣感動,真的,雖然有嚴姓作詞人揭露豐華與詞曲電影人等的角力風雨,被賦權能夠發表《Cape No. 7》「正版」原聲的,還是只有那麼個營利事業團體,只希望這企業「社會責任」,能儘可能盡到。《Cape No. 7》,魏姓導演這個說故事的人,真的很會說;把故事不當故事在演活的人,沒有一絲部分台片或所謂「偶像劇(sic,其實也不誤,就是玩偶人像般的演技,才叫偶像啊)」的造作。傻笑一秒,還把這段寫到了正經八百的試紙上,題目是《任重道遠》。大家似乎都好用力、好用力,當然這底下的善感的我,眼淚也惡狠狠地掉不停。聽到《(男孩看見)野玫瑰》時,微笑了下,原來大家搜尋來敝格的原因是這樣。男孩和野玫瑰那首歌曲,本就是很喜歡的,所以當時才有所感地寫了篇刺人的感想。
- Oct 10 Fri 2008 00:00
「妳寫詩嗎?」-【轉】女性的恐怖主義 by 忽忽
- Oct 04 Sat 2008 00:00
【轉】群魔亂舞的2.5 ppm!-從台灣三聚氰胺事件論政策和報導的不專業
From The Sky of Gene. The blogger's background is「台灣清華大學生命科學系學碩士班畢業,中研院動物所任職一年,現就讀加州大學戴維斯分校(University of California at Davis)遺傳學博士班,從事不實用的果蠅演化遺傳學研究。」This blog article also has an impressive collection of related blog articles - please go to the blog to have a look. Thumb up.
- Sep 15 Mon 2008 00:00