
Harry asked me to write something for him. He said life it’s been quite boring since he came to my house. One time he even murmured that he thinks he’s a crap, a junk, rubbish and a good-for-nothing useless bear. I was so shocked and suddenly became melancholy when I heard him giving this kind of statement in front of me unconsciously. He’s suggesting that being together with a crap, a junk, rubbish and a good-for-nothing person has influenced him a lot and kind of brings the lazy or valueless characteristics from the inner side of him.
When he was at the gift shop at the Heathrow branch of Harrods in the UK, or when he was being made in the factory in China though he can’t remember where in China, everything was interesting, fulfilling and amazing in a sense. I asked him ‘How come? Don’t you like staying with me at my house?’ It seems that everyone from China so wants to come to Taiwan especially a fairly good family like mine, I wonder. Although he did spend some time in the luxurious department environment for a while, I doubt if that atmosphere had ever had any impacts on him. While I was proposing my presumed question, he shook his little fluffy head and shrugged his tiny furry shoulders. ‘I just miss the time when I didn’t have to think about these loads of things and didn’t have to do these so-called well educated, intellectually middle-class things with you. Oh see how I’ve been poisoned by you! I just used those terms that I don’t even understand myself.’ I was shocked again. ‘Oh Harry… I thought you like writing the lovely poems and prose on my Asus laptop, having a couple cups of well-brewed mocha using my favourite colourful coffee cup, reading books like True Love or the Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies, having chats or sending and receiving texts from those bunches of people AND sleeping and having nightmares with me?!’
Harry took a deep breath and heaved a long sigh. I gave him a tight hug that I’ve been willing to give to another bear for long. ‘Don’t you think that you can just love me without asking me to do these things with you? Things that I don’t really like and things that I was not used to do?’ ‘Yes, Harry. I’ll try. Give me some time and you’ll see whether you can stay with me for good or you can just get back to where you came from. Is that ok?’ ‘Hmm... BTW, don’t expect too much. Even if you think that you try hard but I can still leave, right?’ I got stunned. I never thought that Harry is this sort of bear and I always believe that if I can love him forever then he will always love me back as well. ‘You don’t understand, do you? You always think that I am a bear, Harry the bear or, say, Harry. In fact, I AM ME.’ ‘Harry, hang on with me and I’ll show you. I promise I’ll be the one you can love forever.’ ‘I wouldn’t say so if I were you. I am just a bear. You don’t have to do this for me.’ ‘No, you’re not just a bear. YOU ARE YOU and that’s why I’m writing all the stuff for you. You’ll see. I love you.’