

That afternoon

Encountered a weight&fortune teller

(At Very Very Good, tho the banana cake's not as VVG)

Exclaimed: 'How Talented You Are!'

That you can either tell one's fortune by her/his weight

Or tell one's weight by her/his fortune

Yes, you must be accurate, musn't you

So had a photo with her/him

In order to see how cute the long purple daisy-patterned skirt was

And to what extent the desire is to just eat to gain weight or not eat to lose weight

To change my fortune

Fair exchange:

Tell: How much you weight now

And will tell you how much you weight in my heart

Or won't

(Note: And it's so good to be self-indulged hearing Phantom singing your name with love and hatred, isn't it! Just LOVE it.)

P.S. Three Countries played Ain't No Mountain High Enough just now! Where did I first hear it? Now my bad memory's causing the curiosity which is killing the cat inside my body.


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