

A Love That Will Last

I want a little something more
Don't want the middle or the one before

I don't desire a complicated past
I want a love that will last

Say that you love me
Say I'm the one
Don't kiss and hug me and then try to run
I don't do drama
My tears don't fall fast
I want a love that will last

I don't want just a memory
Give me forever
Don't even think about saying good-bye
'Cause I want just one love to be enough
And remain in my heart till I die

So call me romantic
Oh I guess that's so
There's something more that you oughta know
I'll never leave you
So don't even ask
I want a love that will last

Forever, I want a love that will last
I want a love that will last

So there's just a little more that I need
I wanna share all the air that you breathe
I'm not the kinda girl to complicate the past
I want a love that will last

Forever, I want a love the love that last
Always, I just want a love that will last
Want a love that will last


歌詞真 superficial 的純情。想著那沒酒精,從背後抱著愛人輕輕搖擺的微醺,聽這歌,是唯一可能好聽的時刻。
世界上真有人期待 a love that will last forever?世界上真有人想要 a love that is not ordinary love?

I hope I will move on & become a new person with hickies & wounds of love. One day there'll be someone who can take care of the wounds well and treat my past hickies as badges of my good qualities/personalities. There'll be this someone and our love will last for good.

by 張惠菁

生活改變驟大,什麼都換了。該去 Alan 找生完小比比的 Nicole 負債換髮型了(翻開用了好幾年也不想換的皮夾,對自己說了一聲)

希望自己趕快保持 rational 狀態,不要再深陷 emtional 搖擺。

不喜歡前幾天看的「所謂浪漫喜劇」【A Good Year】,心想:「Where's the romantic part? What's romantic about it? And, comedy?」。應該去看看 Peter Mayle,不然就真的要覺得沒選看山居歲月是對的(對,請告訴我其實是我程度未及)。不過,還可能是自己對法國,或特別是普羅旺斯,毫無憧憬想像(降可以了吧)。順手拉一個影評來堅定自己不喜歡的立場:美好的一年:假法式,真Friday(啦啦啦)。

Revolutionary Road】。直到現在,一則則影評都出來了,看著影評敲滑鼠,想望還是未果。

聽說週六要和派抖去 My Sweetie Pie,期待~心情才稍微好了一絲毫起來。

We Walk

You never alter
You're always you
Everything's breaking
But I don't care
Smash the rest up
Burn it down
Put us in the corner 'cus we're into ideas

Take these edges
They're inside out
No one will notice
They're looking elsewhere
We can't be honest
We call it off
We got the choice if it all goes wrong

We walk, we walk
We walk, we walk

You see the changes
In things that come
It's how you deal with it
When switching off
Make a decision
A precondition
We got the choice if it all goes wrong

We walk, we walk
We walk, we walk

When nothing makes you feel good
Then nothing makes you feel good


The Ting Tings - We Walk

    創作者 Christine 的頭像

    Monologue-ing Chris

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