就像以前爹開車時總放不膩、娘在洗澡時總唱不停的三○或四○年代流行北京話老歌在唱的:「一年容易又秋天...」(誰的歌啊?),又是砸大錢拿學位的一學期開始了,卻原地踏步地該寫的東西寫不出半點毛、不該 blog 的格子寫不停。喔,因為 Yvette 濫用特權幫我向性別所討了本免費論文集,當初幸運參加發表的那場研討會的,就往硬碟裡翻出了將來不一定有機會寫碩士論文的獻文和誌謝詞。貼出來無謂悼念提醒爹娘跟自己一下。
This master thesis is affectionately dedicated to, my beloved Daddy, who eventually regained his health and also his daughter’s forever love for him, the best Mommy in the world, whom I have been missing the most, Kuo Kuo, who always takes cares of me as an elder brother but in fact a younger one, and also Alan. |
The extreme gratefulness is to my supervisor Dilys Thorp for her encouragements, interests in my work and the supports until the last minute, my personal tutor Richard Kiely for his caring concerns, those of my TEFL fellows who have assisted my research, language teachers especially Roger and Dominic in the language centre and Jill, Jenny and Susan in the education library. In particular the oodles of thankfulness is to my caring friends here in Bristol, Jennifer, Sandy, Ernie, Cathy and Gordon, who taught me the most valuable and accompanied me until the last minute during the writing of this dissertation. And the final thank you is to Charlie, a very wonderful flatmate and now a tutor in UoB; thank him for the help with the last version of the writing. |
那你,會在 Dedication,還是 Acknowledgement 呢?曉得它們的不同吧?(巧笑)
游鴻明:我希望你好好的 深夜裏 整個世界都該睡了 我怎麼還清醒著 原來那個過去 又回來了 有些人 只能存放在記憶的 一抱緊就有拉扯 想那時的我們 那累累的傷痕 我希望你 好好的 圓滿的 愛個人 我才能放心的 遠遠的 微笑著 那曾經不能原諒的錯 你是不是都已經跨過 |