發現牛大 Refugee Studies Centre 的 Forced Migration Review 最新一期(四月)主軸為緬甸邊境漂流人民,是兩週前的事;把 URL 和 pdf 檔都先抓了下來,打算「歸咎於從來不知時間管理為何物,而因此造成總無法提早完成作業」的瘋狂寫字期過去,能好好讀。 We are keen to reflect the experiences and knowledge of communities and individuals affected by statelessness. Deadline for submission of articles: 6 October 2008. FMR is totally dependent on grant income. We need approximately £75,000 / $151,000 / €98,000 to cover the design, translation, print and distribution costs of this issue in English, French, Arabic and Spanish. We would be very grateful for any advice you can give as to which agencies you think we could approach for a partial contribution towards these costs.
但是,五月二日,熱帶暴風狠狠肆虐伊洛瓦底江沿岸大小城鎮,巨浪吞噬與狂風橫掃,這十日統計下來,估計約二萬人被 displaced 於原本家園,而約三萬人以上從此被 displaced 於人世間。雖有不忍聽讀下去的一則則新聞,卻還是不免因那藐視人權的緬甸軍政府仍拒絕國際援助或阻礙救護工作而無力但憤慨著。
不過,綿薄可盡:英國這邊,Oxfam 開啟了網路捐款機制可以提供協助;台灣那邊,可以透過紅十字會。 (新增:梅道診所以及世界展望會)
We encourage readers to send us written contributions on any aspect of contemporary forced migration. Each issue of FMR has a feature theme but at least a third of each issue is set aside for ‘non-theme’ articles.
Issue 32 – Deadline for submission of articles is 6th of October to be published in January 2009 – will include a feature section on:
So much of our official identity depends on the fact that we belong in a nation-state and on the recognition of rights and duties – even if they are often ignored or denied - that this entails. Yet ever since the early part of the 20th century, when the idea of the nation-state became universally accepted as the model for governance, there have been people with whom no state acknowledges the legal bond of nationality. There have been numerous positive developments in international law since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which established that “everyone has the right to a nationality”. Yet today it is estimated that as many as 15 million people remain stateless. They range from individuals to entire religious or ethnic groups and the reasons why people are stateless range from the accidental to deliberate persecution.
The FMR Editors are looking for practice-oriented submissions, reflecting a diverse range of opinions, which address questions such as the following:
Please email the Editors at fmr@qeh.ox.ac.uk if you are interested in contributing or have suggestions of colleagues who may wish to. Please consider writing for us even if you have not written an article before. We would be happy to work with you to develop an article about your experience.
If you are planning to write, we would be grateful if you would take note of our Guidelines for Contributors at: www.fmreview.org/writing.htm.
Maximum length: 2,500 words.
是的,自己總是覺得自己,stateless 且 displaced。
還記得小時候一點都不期盼校外教學,因為問都不用問就是去蓮池潭跟春秋閣;寫生比賽? 不用說,除了蓮池潭跟春秋閣不作他想;週末全家人出遊? 蓮池潭,春秋閣,頂多加上旁邊的龍虎塔、孔廟。誰知道幼時如夢靨般陰渾不散的蓮池潭春秋閣雙人組,長大以後卻變成魂縈夢牽的美好回憶?
想想,去西子灣看海吧! 從高鐵站搭公車到高雄火車站,再從火車站轉搭1號公車到鼓山區哈瑪星輪渡站,從那裡我可以去西子灣的沙灘,也可以搭渡輪到彼岸的旗津,旗津很長,差不多有十來公里,有海水浴場、觀海景觀步道,還可以吃像棒棒糖般串在竹籤上啃的整條魷魚,以及難以評斷到底算好吃還是難吃的菱角冰。但是等了十分鐘,才想起來高雄的公車不像台北,不是等個幾分鐘就會來的,索性就放棄了。
- May 13 Tue 2008 00:00
Displaced Burma、Statelessness|一生錯過的母親節