
以前被叫作《終極追殺令》的,一場「忘年愛」,不是嗎?這樣「忘年愛」的形容,讓人想起《刺鳥》。尚雷諾的 Leon 和娜塔莉波曼的 Matilda,就像是李察張伯倫的 Ralph 和瑞秋華特的 Maggie;只是,後者還要明顯地多了個贅詞叫做「禁忌」。
Leon: You let me taste the happiness of life. I want to sleep on bed, have roots. I love you, Matilda.
Matilda: I love you, too, Leon.
Matilda: Leon, I think I fall in love with you.
Leon: How do you know that if you haven't loved before?
Matilda: 'cause I feel it.
Leon: Where?
Matilda: In my stomach. It's so warm. It used to be a knot there; now it's gone.
Leon: I'm glad that you don't have a stomachache, but it doesn't mean anything.
我從這裡感覺到我的愛, 這裡是我的心, 我的肺, 我的皮膚, 我的胃, 我的肝, 我的血液, 我的骨.我只知道你讓我覺得我愛你, 找不到讓你信服的理由, 所以你不需要給我問答題, 因為那只是我的舊疾忽然康復.
Matilda: You really love your plant?
Leon: 'cause it's always happy, no questions, no roots just like me.
沒有憂愁的愛, 沒有疑問的愛, 和自己一模一樣的愛.決定不愛一棵盆栽, 只愛笑著的自己, 只愛自以為是的自己, 只愛自己.
Old Tony : Change ain’t good.
Matilda: Leon, I want to be as strong , as smart as you.
介乎父女和男女的愛, 曖昧不明的依賴和崇拜.我對你的愛到底是對父親對兄長對愛侶對權勢對智能對才華對什麼?我可以愛你不管你是誰你多大你做什麼你在哪你愛不愛我?
Leon: I've been too nice to you.
Matilda: So you're responsible for it.
因為習慣於被付出, 所以把責任堆負在別人身上.因為受寵和受疼愛, 所以成了易碎的易驕縱的水晶玫瑰.
Matilda: Life is so hard or it's while you're a kid?
Leon: Always like this.
沒有任何人是為賦新詞強說愁, 即使她只是個孩子.人生的事, 不是人生來就懂或是不懂的.